Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cardington Cold weather moved me indoors

After a nice stretch of relatively warm weather, I was forced to work indoors by colder temperatures recently. This week I framed out a decorateive fireplace in the new Family room. This fireplace will be behind the fake chimney which was built on the facade of the house. In planning to install ceiling lighting, I found it necessary to remove the old ceiling, which I had hoped to keep. It was unstable and not level so it had to come down, along with all the blown-in insulation, an enormous wasp nest, lots of broken glass and more.

I also laid the cement board subflooring in the kitchen and Morning rooms, which is now ready for floor tile.

And finally, after the old furnace was finally removed, I framed out the supporting perimeter joists for the master bathroom, which is now ready for me to install floor joists.

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